Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Mistakes....

I am not my mistakes.. Do not judge me by my past mistakes…they set the stage for the woman that I have become….my mistakes taught me lessons I would never have learnt otherwise…
In the cradle of those experiences is where I blossomed into this strong woman that I am now.. Yes, my yesterday may not be the story of a legend.. but that’s only because a chapter does not make a book..
Now I can see clearly and time has made me wiser … I am grateful to you for helping me through those times.. but I will not let you paint my future with those tainted brushes…
It’s a brand new day..and all I see is hope…
Because I am human, I know that I will make more mistakes.. but with every mistake I ll ever make..I ll become a better and a wiser person…so please do not judge me by my mistakes…I am not my errors……

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Find your voice

We all have something in each of us that makes us unique and different..Once we lose that defining essence of us,we lose ourselves..Now is the time to celebrate what makes us stand out...our strengths and our flaws..there is beauty in our imperfections...Find your own voice...Be assertive..This is your life to live..Live it to the fullest..seize every opportunity to learn and to grow...
And remember that in every fall there is a chance to rise, in every despair a chance to hope, in every end a chance to start  afresh, and for every heartbreak there is a chance to love again....